Partial sick note (gradert sykmelding)
If you can work part-time, you can be on sick leave part-time. The purpose is to stay in touch with your workplace and use the opportunities you have to work. The precondition is that it is medically justifiable.
How much and how long?
Sickness benefit can be graded down to 20 per cent. Periods of partial sickness benefit are included in the period you can receive sickness benefit, which is a maximum of 52 weeks. The time limit is the same whether you are fully or partially on sick leave.
Practical implementation
In order to work part-time, you are dependent on its facilitation by your employer. You will work together to find a workable arrangement. Set a goal and make a plan for how you can adapt your job and workload, preferably with the person who has put you on sick leave.
There are two ways to be on part-time sick leave:
- You can work fewer hours than usual, with fewer tasks.
- You can spend longer time on the tasks you perform.
As an example, you can spend all day performing 50 per cent of your regular tasks.
If you want to work more
You are welcome to work more than what is stated in the sick leave. Then you register the hours in the application for sickness benefits. You will receive a notification when the application is ready to be filled in atær.