What is a follow-up plan? (oppfølgingsplan)
While on sick leave you need to consider whether there are any work tasks that you can still perform, and what you require in order to perform these tasks.
It is sometimes possible to fully or partly work while you are on sick leave. For this reason it’s important that you and your manager talk about the options and limitations, and then write this down in a follow-up plan.
When you have logged onto to Ditt sykefravær (Your sick leave), you can access your follow-up plan and start to describe your work tasks. Your manager can find this on their page at nav.no. Both you and your manager can write suggestions and eventually agree on a plan.
Some employers prefer to use a different tool. Talk to your manager about this.
Be specific
To begin with you need to create an overview of your work tasks. You then determine whether you can do any of these while you are on sick leave. To finish, write down what is required for you to be able to do the job.
- What do you do from when you arrive at work until you leave?
- Can you select any tasks that you can do, despite being on sick leave?
- Or do you just need to slow down a bit?
- Is there anything in the working environment that can be adjusted in such a way to make it easier for you to do your job?
The plan can be changed during the process
The follow-up plan can be updated at any time if you see that something has changed or if new opportunities arise.
What are your duties?
Your employer has a duty to adapt the work for you as much as possible. You have a duty to cooperate in finding solutions that will prevent the sick leave from lasting longer than is necessary.
The follow-up plan must be prepared no later than the point at which you have been on sick leave for four weeks. The plan must be shared with the doctor.
The Norwegian Working Environment Act (Arbeidsmiljøloven) describes what a follow-up plan should include.
Exemption from having a follow-up plan
You may be exempt from creating a follow-up plan if this is “evidently unnecessary”. For example when you can return to work without facilitation, or in the event of serious illness which prevents you from returning to work. A follow-up plan may also be evidently unnecessary if you have a partial sick note and can talk to your employer about what can be done at the workplace.