How to
Fill in employment status form - unemployment benefit (dagpenger)
From the time you register as a job seeker, and while you wait for a response to your application, you must submit your employment status form every 14 days. You need to do this throughout the entire period you receive unemployment benefit.
There is also information on fill in employment status form - unemplyment benefit (dagpenger) for individuals.
In this chapter
For Nav to calculate how much unemployment benefit you are entitled to, we need information about your work, activities, or absences.
You must fill in the employment status form every 14 days. On the form you report if you have worked, had absence or participated in activities.
We also use the information to evaluate if you are receiving appropriate follow-up, or if the activity we have agreed on together should be changed because your situation has changed.
On the employment status form you can also inform us if you want to remain registered with Nav. If you answer No, your unemployment benefit will stop.
If you wish to receive unemployment benefit again, you must re-register and submit a new application as soon as possible.
You must submit your employment status form every 14 days.
Log in to Min Side to see:
- When you need to submit your next employment status form
- Which period the employment status form is for
Each employment status form is for a period of 14 days, and you should submit it as soon as the period ends. This way, you will receive your unemployment benefit sooner, and avoid deductions because your employment status form was submitted late.
Final deadline for avoiding deductions
The final deadline for submitting the employment status form is 23:00 on Monday, one week after the reporting period has ended.
Submit employment status forms while you are awaiting a response
Remember that you must also submit employment status forms while you are waiting for a response to your application.
You can send your employment status form for week 50–51 (09–22 December) earlier than usual before Christmas. You can send the form on Wednesday 18 December 2024, whether you do it online or by post.
If you submit your employment status form after the deadline, a deduction will be made from payments for the next employment status form.
If you have difficulties submitting your employment status form on time, you must contact us as soon as possible
How much will be deducted?
Deductions will depend on how late you submitted your employment status form.
A deduction will be made for the number of days from the first Monday after the reporting period ended, until the day you submit your employment status form. If you submit the employment status form one day after the final deadline, you will be deducted 6 weekdays.
Make sure you do not lose your unemployment benefit
If more than 20 days pass from the last time you submitted an employment status form, you will be removed from the Nav job seeker register. When you are removed from the job seeker register, your unemployment benefit will stop and you will no longer receive help or follow-up.
If you still want to receive unemployment benefit or follow-up from Nav, you must re-register and submit a new application as soon as possible.
Benefits are paid approximately 2-3 working days after we have received your employment status form.
Log in to Dine Utbetalinger to see an overview of all your payments.
If you believe you have been paid too much or too little, it is important that you notify us as soon as possible.
We calculate your payments based on the information you provide on your employment status form. How much you will be paid depends on:
- for how many hours you have received a salary
- Whether you have had absences, holidays or spent time in another country
- Whether you have sent in previous employment status forms late
- Whether it is the end of your unemployment benefit period
- Tax deductions and any other deductions (if relevant)
If you have been paid the wrong amount because you have completed your employment status form incorrectly, you must correct the error on the previous card and submit it again.
If deductions have been made that you do not understand or you believe are incorrect, you should contact us.
What happens if you are paid the wrong amount?
If you have been paid the wrong amount, we will either pay you back for the amount we owe you or require you to pay back the overpaid amount.
If you have completed the employment status form incorrectly, you must correct the error and re-submit the employment status form as soon as possible.
How to correct errors:
- Log in to the overview of previous employment status forms.
- Select the employment status form that you wish to correct.
- Correct the error(s) and re-submit the employment status form.
If you are unable to correct the error in your employment status form electronically, you must contact us for help.
What will Nav do when you correct a previous employment status form?
When you correct an error on a previously submitted employment status form, we will assess whether the benefit you have received is too little or too much.
If you have been paid the wrong amount, we will either pay you back for the amount we owe you or require you to pay back the overpaid amount.
The processing time varies, and we will contact you if we need more information.
If you believe you have been paid too little, or there have been incorrect deductions, you should contact us so we can examine your case.
If you believe we have made a mistake, you can also make a complaint.
How to make a complaint:
- Complete the form: Complain against decision - unemployment benefit
- State that this is about your employment status form.
There is more information available about your appeal rights.
In this chapter
All the hours you have worked in the last 14 days must be entered on your employment status form. This applies to all days of the week, including Saturday and Sunday, regardless of what time of day you have worked.
On your employment status form, you must include all work hours you are paid for as well as the work hours you are not paid for.
If you are paid for more hours than you have actually worked, you must enter all of the hours you are paid for.
One hour of work must be reported as one hour on your employment status form. If you do not work full or half hours exactly, round up or down to the nearest half hour. If there is equal time to each half hour, you must round down, not up.
“Work” in this context means activities that are normally paid.
For example, the following is considered work:
- Work in a regular working situation (as an employee)
- Work in your own business (ENK, ANS, AS, NUF or other)
- Doing work that is normally paid, but for free
- Hours you are paid for, including when you do not work all of the hours (for example contract work/piece work)
- Commission sales, telephone sales and similar
- Freelance work
- Paid trustee duties
If you are paid during lunch breaks, the lunch break must be entered on your employment status form.
If you are not paid during lunch breaks, the lunch break must not be entered on the employment status form.
If you work a regular percentage, it must be converted to hours. 100 percent of full-time generally means 37.5 hours.
Special rule for 50 percent work: Working 50 percent means 18.5 hours in one week and 19 hours the second week (this is because it is not possible to enter 18.75 hours on the employment status form).
If you work shifts or on rotation, you must enter your weekly average working hours, calculated as an average of the entire shift/rotation period.
If you work additional hours in addition to the rotation period, enter these hours on your employment status form in the week you work these additional hours.
You can calculate the average weekly working hours by dividing the total number of working hours in the rotation period by the number of weeks in the rotation period.
The weekly working hours for your rotation period can be calculated as a percentage of full-time, if your position is a percentage.
For example: A 50 percent position is calculated as 18.75 hours per week, regardless of whether full-time deviates from 37.5 hours per week.
If you have a job that involves shift work, you must complete your employment status form as follows:
- If your job involves on-call duty, you must enter 1/7 of the length of time you were on on-call duty.
- If your job involves resting duty, all hours must be entered on your employment status form.
Time off in lieu is entered as if you were at work.
If you participate in courses, education or other activities, you must answer Yes and mark all the days you have participated on your employment status form.
Only indicate employment initiatives, courses or education. You must not enter other activities you and Nav have agreed on, for example information meetings held by Nav and the time spent on your activity plan.
If you have not participated in any activities, courses or education, answer No on your employment status form.
If you have been too sick to work or to participate in labour market schemes, courses, education or job interviews, you must answer Yes to the question about whether you have been sick. You must mark the days you have not worked or participated in activities.
If you participate in labour market schemes, you must notify any absences to the one responsible for the initiatives.
You are not entitled to receive unemployment benefit when you are sick but you may have the right to sick leave. When you receive unemployment benefit, you must ask for a sick note from your first sick day. I am unemployed on sick leave. I am laid off and on sick leave.
If you have not been absent due to sickness, answer No on your employment status form.
In general, you can stay wherever you want in Norway when you receive unemployment benefit, without registering absences on your employment status form.
If you are not available for work or labour market schemes due to holidays or other absences, you must enter these days as absences on your employment status form.
If you are absent, you will not receive unemployment benefit for the days you are absent.
If you still want to receive unemployment benefit, you must answer Yes to the question of whether you want to stay registered as a job seeker.
If you answer No, you will no longer be registered as a job seeker with Nav. You will then lose the right to unemployment benefit. You will not receive any more employment status forms. You will not get any more help from Nav to find a job.
For some professions, there are special rules for how you should complete your employment status form when you receive unemployment benefit.
If you are a teacher in a regular percentage of a full-time position, you must enter the hours you are paid for, both teaching time and the time you spend on preparation and supplementary work. 100 percent equals 37.5 hours per week.
If you work on an hourly basis, you must enter all the hours you are paid for, both teaching time and the time you spend on preparation and supplementary work.
If you are self-employed, all hours you work must be entered on your employment status form. You must register these hours even if you take out little or no salary, even if you take out salary at a later time, or if the business runs at a loss.
If you run your own business while having another job, all hours you work must be registered on your employment status form.
If you are paid for more hours than you have actually worked, you must enter all the hours you are paid for.
If you are unsure about how many hours you should register on your employment status form, you can contact Nav.
If you are a farmer, you must register all the hours you work on your employment status form.
You can contact Nav about how many hours you are meant to enter on your employment status form.
If you are an offshore worker or rotating shift worker:
- Contact Nav on +47 55 55 33 33 or log in to nav and report to us as soon as you know you are going out to work offshore. This way, your unemployment benefit can be stopped from your first day with a salary/work.
- Submit an employment status form both when you work and when you do not work. You enter 7.5 hours from Monday to Friday during the working period and in the following acquired rest period.
- Apply for unemployment benefit again when offshore work or rotating shifts end, but no earlier than 14 days before the end of the rest period. You must provide documentation from your employer about the period you have been working/contracted, as well as the start and end dates for your acquired rest periods/time off in lieu.
We stop your unemployment benefit so you do not receive less payment at the start or the end of a working period and/or an acquired rest period.
If you work on board a ship, it is usual that you have time off in lieu after you have gone ashore. You receive a salary during your time off in lieu, therefore you must register these hours on your employment status form.
On your employment status form, you must register 7.5 hours each day you are on board the ship, and 7.5 hours every working day during your time off in lieu.
If you are a foster parent, you do not need to register hours as a foster parent on your employment status form.
What you are paid as a foster parent, is not considered a salary.
If you are a foster parent in a specialized foster home, you must notify Nav of this. In this case, you are not considered as a genuine job seeker.
If you are a taxi driver, you must register your entire shift on your employment status form.
If you are a taxi driver and not associated with a taxi company, and have your vehicle parked at your home, 1/7 of the time the vehicle is available must be registered on your employment status form.
If you are driving more than 1/7 of the time your vehicle is available, you only need to register the hours you were driving on your employment status form.
Example 1:
You have had your vehicle at home for 24 hours, and during this time you have been driving for 2,5 hours. Then you must register 3,5 hours on your employment status form, because those 3,5 hours equals 1/7 of 24 hours.
In addition, hours spent driving exceeding 1/7 of the day must be registered on the employment status form. 1/7 of a 24-hour day is 3.5 hours.
Example 2:
You have had your vehicle at home for 24 hours, and during this time you have been driving for 5 hours. Then you must register 5 hours on your employment status form, because those 5 hours is more than 1/7 of the time the vehicle was available.
If you are a professional artist, you must register all hours you work on your employment status form. This includes preparation or rehearsals for exhibitions or concerts.
If you receive a grant from the Arts Council Norway (Kulturrådet) or a similar grant, you must register 50 percent of a full-time position on your employment status form for the period you receive the grant. You must register 18.5 hours for one week on your employment status form, and 19 hours for the next week. You must also register all artistic work that exceeds 18.5 hours and 19 hours, and any other work that the grant is not meant to cover.
If you travel or have periods away to have concerts, exhibitions and similar, this must be registered as time away from home with up to 7.5 hours per 24-hour period.
If you are an athlete with a contract, all hours agreed on in the contract must be registered on your employment status form. This means all the hours you spend on travelling and staying away from home, along with hours spent on training and matches/competitions. You must register the hours regardless of the activities taking place on normal business days or on weekends.
For some situations, there are special rules about how you should complete your employment status form when you receive unemployment benefit.
If you are on sick leave, you must notify Nav.
If you are 50 percent or less on sick leave, you must respond No to the question regarding sickness on your employment status form. If you receive sick pay, you will be paid less unemployment benefit.
If you are more than 50 percent on sick leave, you must register sickness on your employment status form. Usually you are not entitled to unemployment benefit, but you can receive sick pay.
Certain types of work do not need to be registered on your employment status form.
For example:
- Hobby related work , social services and visiting services for disabled or elderly people.
- Voluntary work for humanitarian organisations, religious organisations, sports associations and similar work that is normally done by members and volunteers without pay.
If you are 100 percent temporarily laid off, you must not register hours on your employment status form for the days you receive a salary from your employer during the obligatory salary days.
If you are partially temporarily laid off, you must register the hours you actually work.
If you are already receiving unemployment benefit when you are temporarily laid off, you must register hours for the days you receive a salary from your employer.
You must register all hours you work when you are temporarily laid off.
Example: If you are 60 percent temporarily laid off from a 100 percent full time position, you must register the hours that represent 40 percent of a full time position on each employment status form. If you work more than 40 percent, the additional hours must be added and also registered on your employment status form. The hours must be distributed evenly over the 14-day period of an employment status form.
Payment in kind is goods received from your employer, such as a phone, subscriptions or a vehicle.
The number of hours represented by the payment in kind must be registered as hours of work on your employment status forms.
For those who are unemployed: If you are partially unemployed, you must not register payment in kind on your employment status form.
For those who are temporarily laid off: If you have received payment in kind less than three months before you were temporary laid off, the sum of these goods is considered an hourly salary.
If you have received a decision from Nav that you can keep your unemployment benefit while starting your own business, you must not register the hours that you work inyour business on your employment status form.
If you have not received a decision from Nav that you can keep your unemployment benefit while starting your own business, you must register all the hours you work in your business on your employment status form. You must do this even if you do not take out wages or the business runs at a loss.
If you receive more than 50 percent of attendance allowance, you are not entitled to unemployment benefit.
If you receive less than 50 percent of attendance allowance, the attendance allowance shall be coordinated with your unemployment benefit. You must notify Nav so we can assess if you are entitled to unemployment benefit at the same time.
You receive a care grant (omsorgsstønad)
If you receive a care grant that is pensionable income, the hours must be registered as work on your employment status form.
If the extent of your work is stated as hours, these must be entered on your employment status form. If the extent of your work is not stated as hours, the number of hours is calculated by dividing the care grant by the highest paid hourly rate for kindergarten assistance in the municipality.
You must not register pure income from assets on your employment status form. The same applies to certain tax-free incomes.
- Renting out property outside of the business.
- Interest, stock dividends and other return on money from funds and securities outside of the business.
- Tax-free refurbishment of your own home or vacation home.
If you are receiving unemployment benefit and will participate in exercises with the Norwegian Home Guard, you must respond Yes to the question “Have you been in work in the last 14 days?” Then you must register that you have worked 7.5 hours for each day you took part in the exercises.
You must not register strike pay as work on your employment status form.
If you have duty as a lay judge, you do not need to fill inn the employment status form for the periods when you are in court.
Updated 01/30/2025
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