Benefits and Counselling
Qualification Programme
A full-time program for you between the ages of 18 and 67 who need extra follow-up to be able to get into work.
The qualification programme (“KVP”) is for you who need some extra support to be able to find work. It is important that the content of your programme will make it easier for you to find work.
You must meet a number of requirements to be eligible for the programme. You must
- be of working age
- have a significantly reduced ability to work and earn income
- need close follow-up
- not be receiving or be receiving only very limited financial support from Nav
- have undergone a work ability assessment (in Norwegian)
- have legal residence in Norway and a permanent place to live in Norway (permanent address)
Your programme will be individually tailored to you and your particular challenges. What support and assistance do you need to be able to find work? Together, you and your counsellor draw up a programme that includes work-oriented measures, training activities, individual follow-up and guidance.
The programme may also include other activities that will help prepare you for work, such as motivation training, Norwegian language courses, housing follow-up, and financial advice and planning. You can also have time allocated in the programme for necessary health assistance.
You will be responsible for following the programme in cooperation with counsellors at the Nav office.
The qualification programme takes 37.5 hours a week.
You will receive qualification benefit while you are participating in the programme. Qualification benefit amounts to 2,041 times the national insurance basic amount (“G”), which currently corresponds to NOK 253,141. You will earn pension points on this benefit.
If you are under the age of 25, you will receive 2/3 of the full benefit, i.e. NOK 168,761.
Other relevant benefits
If you have children, you can receive a child supplement of NOK 37 per day, 5 days a week, for each child.
Nav may cover all or some of your expenses in connection with work-oriented assessments or an activity.
You may be entitled to financial assistance if your qualification benefit does not cover your necessary housing and living expenses.
If you have your own home, you may be entitled to housing support from the Norwegian State Housing Bank.
You can receive child maintenance, child benefit and cash-for-care benefit alongside qualification benefit.
The qualification programme runs for up to 1 year at a time.
The programme may be extended by 1 year if you and your counsellor decide that it is necessary. In some cases, the programme may be extended by yet another year.
Contact your local Nav office to find out if the programme might be suitable for you.
The benefit will be reduced if you
- are absent without a valid reason
- have income from work or pay as an apprentice
- are entitled to unemployment benefit, sickness benefit or parental benefit
If you drop out of the programme, you will lose your entitlement to qualification benefit.
Payment dates vary from municipality to municipality. You will find information about payments in the letter you have received regarding our decision. If the payment date falls on a weekend or a bank holiday, you will normally receive your payment on the day before.
Tax deductions
You have to pay tax on this benefit.
No tax is deducted in June. In December tax is deducted at half your normal rate.
If you pay Svalbard tax or withholding tax, there is an ordinary tax deduction in June and December.
More about tax deductions on payments from Nav (in Norwegian).
You are entitled to up to 25 days of holiday (i.e. annual leave) per calendar year. If you are over the age of 60, you are entitled to 5 extra days of annual leave per year.
You will continue to receive qualification benefit during your time off.
You must arrange when you will take your annual leave (holiday days) in consultation with your advisor and your workplace or the organiser of your labour market scheme.
Holiday pay
There is no holiday pay on this benefit.
Updated 02/06/2025
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