Applications and forms
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- Access requestsGeneralCopy linkLink successfully copied
Nav has a duty of confidentiality. You can apply for access to information or case documents on behalf of someone else.
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Access requests - Assistive technology Assistive tools, Aid and accessibilityCopy linkLink successfully copied
Some assistive technology and schemes from Nav require a medical certificate from a physician.
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Assistive technology – the physician`s role - Attendance allowance for developmentally disabled person over 18Benefits, Family and children, HealthCopy linkLink successfully copied
When you are absent from work to care for a person over 18 with an developmentally disability and serious illness.
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Attendance allowance for developmentally disabled person over 18 - Attendance allowance for sick childrenBenefits, Health, Family and childrenCopy linkLink successfully copied
When you are absent from work to care for a child who is, or has been, admitted to or received treatment in a hospital.
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Attendance allowance for sick children - Attendance allowance in the final phase of lifeBenefits, Family and children, HealthCopy linkLink successfully copied
When you are absent from work to care for a person who is dying.
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Attendance allowance in the final phase of life - Care benefit (stay home with sick child days) Benefits, Family and children, HealthCopy linkLink successfully copied
For use when staying home with a sick child who has norovirus, etc.
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Care benefit (stay home with sick child days) - Disability benefitBenefits, HealthCopy linkLink successfully copied
Could be relevant for patients with permanent impairment of their earning ability.
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Disability benefit – the physician`s role - Glasses for prevention or treatment of amblyopiaAssistive tools, Aid and accessibilityCopy linkLink successfully copied
Support for glasses to prevent or treat amblyopia for children under 10 years of age.
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Glasses for prevention or treatment of amblyopia – for opticians or ophthalmologists - Medical certificates and specialist statementsHealthCopy linkLink successfully copied
Information about statements from physicians, dentists and specialists.
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Medical certificates and specialist statements - Occupational injury and occupational illnessHealthCopy linkLink successfully copied
About the most important conditions and prerequisites, and your role as a treatment provider.
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Occupational injury and occupational illness – the physician`s role - Power of attorney and accessHealthCopy linkLink successfully copied
If you call Nav about a patient and want access to the case, you must have authorization. You are then not calling as a therapist, but on behalf of a private person.
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Power of attorney and access - Power of attorney to apply for assistive technologyAid and accessibilityCopy linkLink successfully copied
The user may grant you a power of attorney to apply on their behalf.
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Power of attorney to apply for assistive technology - Sick leave and sickness benefitBenefits, HealthCopy linkLink successfully copied
How to use sick notes in your work.
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Sick leave and sickness benefit – the physician`s role - Training allowanceBenefits, Family and children, HealthCopy linkLink successfully copied
When you have to be absent from work to get training for a child or adult with functional impairment or long-term illness.
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Training allowance - Treatment hotline for healthcare personnel / physiciansHealthCopy linkLink successfully copied
Information about power of attorney, access and what the hotline can help with.
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Information for healthcare personnel / the physicians and treatment hotline - Work assessment allowance (AAP)Benefits, HealthCopy linkLink successfully copied
About the most important conditions and prerequisites for work assessment allowance – and your role as a treatment provider.
More about (in Norwegian)
Work assessment allowance (AAP) – the physician`s role